It's time to RISE
Welcome to our Blog - Rise & Grinds!
We are so excited to share tips and tell-alls from our network of industry professionals in our newly launched blog (and future podcast), Rise & Grinds. So, get comfortable, grab a cup of coffee - even if it’s the late afternoon - or a cup of tea, sit back and enjoy our stories of those on the rise.
“Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it.”
It can be a daily grind to some and we will hear about those hustles and struggles. We will also hear about those that followed their passions and are finding success or just plain ol’ joy! With every bit of satisfaction comes hard work (the grind) and we want to offer up the deeper dives into these approaches.
All walks of work-life are welcome here. You see posts from all of your professional peers on LinkedIn every day, which is why we are taking the opportunity to truly understand what makes US tick. As marketers, we are inquisitive, curious and love a good story. We are also beta testers of all things! You can learn so much from other industries, environments, cultures, and even departments. There are so many aha! moments that come from speaking with someone completely different or completely similar to you.
We will share how these impressive pros do it. Stay tuned to hear their stories, their advice, and of course, how marketing and communication strategies play into every company in every department. You will learn how you can survive the grind and get on the RISE because no matter what your background or future plans, good ideas go a long way!